Been reading quite a few comics lately that I acquired. About halfway through Cable & Deadpool. Deadpool is easily one of the greatest characters ever, in spite of his rather... unsavory creation. Stupid Rob Liefield.
If you don't have Rob, here's a very good 40 Reasons you should! And to wash that taste out of your brain I've got perhaps the single best page out of Cable and Deadpool so far! From issue 20, where Deadpool is clashing with Black Mamba, Asp and Diamondback (the B.A.D. Girls!) over a thievery commission. Mamba did her magic and made Deadpool lapse into his darkest fantasy... Which was apparently giving old Nate AKA Cable a rub down on a tropical beach. lol This follows as he wakes up and they all realize somebody has pre-burgled the item they both were hired to get.

Deadpool made me do it. Support comics, buy them if you can! I do, I swear!
Yay Deadpool!
Eewww, scabrous wing wong...
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
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